Friday, July 17, 2009

The Story of Edgar Sawtelle

Have you ever tried to scream your heart out but there is no voice coming out from your dried up throat?
No even a single sound.It is all silent.

I think most of you do not have this experience.

I did.But it was in my dreams.It had happened for several times in my dreams.After all,they were just nightmares.

I am reading an english novel,entitled The Story of Edgar Sawtelle.(It is the name of the main character)

He was a mute who could hear normally,unlike other cases where people would be both deaf and mute.

He could not even cry out a voice.It started when he was born but it was not inherited.

I have not finished reading.I have not even reached half of the book.
But there is a part that leads me sinking into deep thought.

Before I tell the piece,lets give you some introduction.

The family was staying in a house far away from other villages,truely isolated from others and no even a house in the sight of view.The family's job was to breed and train dogs.

One day,when they were carrying out their daily routines,the boy suddenly found his father lying on the floor downstairs.His mother was in town and no one was around except litters of dogs.

He rushed to his father and held him.His father's heartbeats became weaker and weaker until he could not feel it.The breathing subsided.

He reached out to the phone,dialed to the operator.But he could not talk,not even a word out of his mouth.He tried but in vain.

Only pieces of "".Desperated.He was so helpless and felt himself being so useless.

Kneeling down on the ground,his tears rolled down.

He beat the phone on the counter till it formed pieces and the receiver left hanging in the air.
Nothing else he could do but to wait for someone to pass by but the chance was so rare.

His father died.

I can imagine how painful it was.Looking at the life of someone close slipped away.

Anyway,what I want to say is to be grateful of what we own.We are healthy and strong.Sometimes we take things for granted.Blinded by wealth and power,we blame our lives while we are more lucky than others.

I will tell the overall story when I am done reading.But eventhough I have not,I can make an early conclusion that it is a very good novel.


  1. I think it would be a really good story to read...
    the deepest voices that couldn't be heard, but often touches the most inside our heart..

    Watching someone losing temperature and losing breath...

    There's no useful sound we can make either
    to make the dead come alive again...

    p.s, jmin, can read, but cannot emo k.
    good luck reading :)

  2. Nice nice
    Reading these books are nice, and lead us to think far..haha

