Tuesday, July 14, 2009


How am I?

Not so good(I think) but I am still alive and breathing.I have been having flu since a few days ago.It hasn't recovered till today.Then on Sunday,during CHHS sports day,I was stung by an unknown insect,causing my right hand to swell.My skin turns reddish due to inflammation.What makes things worse is that since yesterday I have been coughing non-stop.

No choice but to consult the doctor yesterday.Luckily the swell ceased so I could escape from getting an injection.But consuming medicines gave rise to another problem,they make me feel sleepy and dizzy.So,again,I slept for about 12 hours yesterday.

It definitely does not feel good to be sick.I still have to work today.What I afraid the most is not my condition but the possibility of spreading my viruses to others.(That is why I don't want to talk if possible)

I,myself hope I will recover soon.It doesn't feel comfortable at all to be ill.So,friends do take care of yourselves.


  1. Must take gd care of urself ar...
    many ppl fall into sick these few days.
    H1N1?haha...wanna to scare u only.
    take care...

  2. halo...
    juz passing by,

    i m cr,
    tat 1 u used to call zheng rui at rc...

    gd luck to u in the future...

  3. hihi jiamin..first time viewing ur blog...
    i m leo(gewei from rc) still rmbr me rite?

    be sure to take gd care of urself oo...
    All the best to u friend!!

  4. Of course remember you two...OMG..so glad to hear from you two..How are you two?
    Haha..add me on facebook so that we can keep in touch..I bet you have my Msn..
    Remember to keep in touch ya..

  5. i tot i added u in facebook ady..haha

